My Journey With COVID19 — Part 1

Pradeep Miriyala
3 min readApr 24, 2021

When I got infected with COVID19

In 2020, entire world witnessed rise of a pandemic. During past 18 months of COVID19, millions of people have got infected and recovered from COVID19. COVID19 has left a mark in everyone’s life whether as life long health complications, haunting memories, broken families and so on.

During Apr 2021, India has witnessed steep increase of COVID19 cases and my family is infected. This set of articles are about my journey with COVID19.

Day 0 to Day 7— New Role

Around 2 weeks back, my wife started to show COVID19 symptoms (High fever and body pains). Initially I thought them of resulting from dehydration. After struggling with high fever for 3 days, she was tested COVID19 positive. She moved in to isolation and started with COVID19 medication. She started recovering at stable pace.

As a precaution, I was tested for COVID19 on Day 6 and my result was Negative and I had no symptoms.

Hurray, I’m immune to COVID19. Am I?

Meanwhile, I started a challenge for which I never prepared for, balance two kids (5Y and 3Y) and managing household chores. Although, it was difficult period, it gave a new perspective on struggles of every single parent.

On Day 7, both my kids have developed high fever. While my son was able to recover from fever quickly, my daughter has persistent fever for 2 days.

A COVID19 test was conducted for both. The results took 48 hours. My daughter was tested COVID19 positive and son was tested negative. However, by the time results came back, my daughter was recovering well and has become active again.

Day 10 to 12 — The Punching Bag

About 5 days ago, I started to feel body pains. I neglected body pains attributing them from added stress from managing home, kids and work. But within three days, every muscle of my body started to pain.

I started feeling Dizzy within three days, couldn’t stand, sit or talk for more than 5 mins.

I tried to sleep bit early on Day 12 only to feel cold shivers with high fever at 102F. I quickly isolated myself. (The past 12 days experience was very useful by now).

By God’s grace, my wife’s recovery was very good by Day 12. As if I and my wife are running relay race, the home baton was now passed to her.

Day 13 — Oxygen, Fluids

One important thing we learned during COVID19 journey is always keep eye on two things, “Oxygen Saturation Level” and “Temperature”.

While my temperature is just ok, Oxygen level has started oscillating around border line 95/96. I did few things to improve Oxygen level.

  • Every one hour, Breathe for 5 mins in Prone position. Very effective for short term.
  • 5 min breathe regulation exercises for every 2 hours. Very effective for long term.
  • Inhale smell from mixture of “Ajowan”, “Camphor” and “Cloves” for 2–3 mins for every 2 hours. Useful to clear nose and have good breathing.
  • Ensure fresh air circulation is there in room.

In 24 hours, the Oxygen readings have climbed above 97.

Day 15 and Beyond

Today is Day 15 of COVID19 impact on my family. I’m still under recovery (just Day 5 of my COVID19).

We believe we will cross the COVID19 days soon. (Officially we need to wait and see for at least 90 days to say HURRAY).

You will hear about Day 15 and Beyond in next couple of days. Until then,

Eat Warm and Healthy,
Consume As much as Vitamins,
Stay close to Sun,
Use Double Masks.

Stay safe, Stay indoors.



Pradeep Miriyala

Engineer by profession, Programmer by interest, Poet/Writer by hobby. Poetry blog: